Friday, 24 February 2012

2nd Stage of Process Writng...Building Vocab

I introduced a vocab building technique called "Word Snake", which I learnt from British Counsil during a course that I attend for Higher Ability Pupils. 4A children were taught how to use this method to enhance their vocabulary before starting to write last year. I decided to use it this time round again to make sure they are comfortable and confident in using this method to help them write. However, I did try out something new this time round. I gave them a few more extra words to work on and reduced the time frame given to complete the activity.

In the beginning, the pupils found it a bit hard as they were not used to such a short time frame. But within the 2nd try, they managed to get the hang of it. We first discussed all the helping words given in the composition paper and wrote down their meanings beside them. Then, we picked 5 words from the list to work on. I added 2 more to list on my own. They worked in groups to start with the first word that I chose. Their task was to come up with words that have the same meaning as the given word and list them down in a snake format. It was amazing to see how they went all out to brainstorm for words that they have heard, read or seen. We had great fun doing this activity as it stretched their thinking skills and at the same time kept them on task to learn new vocab that they will be using to write in the near future.   

By the end of the lesson, we managed to complete all seven words and presented some to the rest of the class. We gathered a whole range of vocab that we intend to make use during our next stage of writing. I got the children to display all their work around our classroom so that they could refer to it any time they wanted to. I will be collating all the words into a word list that they can attach to their composition paper before starting their next stage of writing. Take a look at their fantastic array of words in action...


  1. Dear Mdm Pavi,

    Thanks for letting us do this activity,it was fun.

    Best Regards,Le Yi

  2. Dear mdm Pavithra,
    Thank for letting us play the game and it was very fun and I would like to play it again!

  3. Dear Mdm Pavithra,

    thank you for planning this game to let us learn more vocab words!

    Jesslynn Khong
